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UAE University And Zayed University Launching The First Cycle Of Co-Funded Research Projects

UAE University And Zayed University Launching The First Cycle Of Co-Funded Research Projects

UAE University and Zayed University have launched the first cycle of Call for Research Proposals to invite research projects targeting faculty members and researchers in both educational institutions as part of joint educational, academic and research cooperation, where research projects will be funded in partnership between the two universities.

Prof Ahmed Ali Murad – Associate Provost for Research at UAE University stated that research cooperation with national universities is essential by providing opportunities to find the scientific solutions to national strategic challenges that will help to the scientific reputations of both universities.  Studies suggest that collaboration between researchers in different disciplines contributes to supporting research outcomes by studying the challenge in various aspects.

Associate Provost for Research at UAE University stressed that we look forward to building a research partnership with Zayed University through the participation of researchers and university students in research projects and this is an opportunity for researchers in both universities to benefit from research expertise and infrastructure from scientific laboratories equipped with the best scientific and technical devices, which will contribute to supporting the research outputs of these projects, where all research proposals will be subject to external evaluation to ensure high quality research outputs. Prof Ahmed Murad noted that the first cycle of these research projects will focus on the following strategic priorities: health sciences, space science and technology, water, energy, food and environmental sciences, Big data & artificial intelligence and social & economic sciences, where these priorities have been selected to align with national priorities.

Dr. Fatma Taher – Assistant Dean for Research/Outreach, CTI and ZU’s CEO, Happiness and Wellbeing, College of Technological Innovation mentioned that A joint research program between the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) and Zayed University (ZU) is established. The purpose of this initiative is to develop a research collaboration between the two universities, advance the body of knowledge, and support cutting-edge research collaborative through a competitive process. The focus of this collaboration will be devoted to specific areas of the research that are of interest to the two universities.  Dr Fatma Taher added that “In addition to that, the proposed study innovative and supportive of the UAEU/ZU and UAE research goals, where the joint research program will accept the projects that address one of the priorities listed in the UAE Vision 2030 or the national Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Which will be a small step towards the achievement of the knowledge-based economy as outlined by UAE 2030 plan”.