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Abu Dhabi University And The Scholarships Office Sign A Memorandum Of Understanding

Abu Dhabi University And The Scholarships Office Sign A Memorandum Of Understanding

Abu Dhabi University (ADU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Scholarship Office of the Ministry of Presidential Affairs (SCO), aimed at developing and adopting specific mechanisms of cooperation between both entities. The MoU will contribute to improving the quality of academic outputs and scholarships for students in line with government directives.

Professor Waqar Ahmad, Chancellor of ADU, and Juma Al Rumaithi, Acting Director of the Scholarships Office, signed the MoU in the presence of representatives from both organizations.

Under the MoU, the SCO will grant scholarships to students to study at ADUbased on its outlined criteria. ADU will also provide the SCO access to all its facilities and share studies and reports related to market needs and on-demand programs. Additionally, ADU will organize and host workshops and training courses to upskill students and prepare them for the labor market.

Professor Waqar AhmadChancellor of ADU, said, “We are proud to join forces with the Scholarships Office to provide a distinguished academic experience in line with the national agenda to create an innovative generation ready for the labor market.”

He added, “Through our academic programs that are based on the highest international standards, advanced university facilities, and methods and platforms that stimulate analytical thinking, we will cooperate with the Office to provide students with  the knowledge and practical experience needed for continuous growth.”

To find out more about ADU’s programs, please visit https://www.adu.ac.ae/