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Khalifa University Becomes Member Of Global E3 Consortium

Khalifa University Becomes Member Of Global E3 Consortium

Khalifa University (KU) is now a member of the Global Engineering Education Exchange Program (Global E3 Consortium), a consortium-based exchange programme established in 1995 that provides undergraduate engineering students an opportunity to study in leading universities from around the world while being able to pay tuition at their home university.

As a top ranked university in the UAE and a regional leader in STEM education, Khalifa University joins the ranks of prestigious institutions such as Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), and the University of Melbourne (Australia). By joining the E³ Consortium, KU would be the first member from the UAE and wider Gulf region.

“Becoming a member of the prestigious E3 Network is a leap forward in our internationalisation efforts which will offer our students more options to explore and pursue,” Dr. Ahmed Al Shoaibi, Senior Vice-President of Academic and Student Services, commented.

Each year, the Global E3 Consortium exchanges 250-300 students and with over 70 members across over 20 countries, students of consortium members can study at these international institutions for a single semester or for an academic year. The credits these students earn during their study abroad are transferred to their home institution following their successful completion of the term(s).