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The NYU Abu Dhabi Institute To Host Panel Discussion On UAE Industrial Pioneers And Their Contribution To The Economy

The NYU Abu Dhabi Institute To Host Panel Discussion On UAE Industrial Pioneers And Their Contribution To The Economy

The NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) Institute in collaboration with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Impactiv, and the Authority of Social Contribution – Ma’an , will host a panel discussion titled Knowledge Development and Industrialization: A Catalyst to Circular Economy on Wednesday, October 12 at 6:30pm.

The panel will tell the story of some of the UAE’s leading economic pioneers, along with the contribution of ADNOC to the country’s circular economy, while also working to preserve the nation’s heritage, national identity, and culture in an era of globalization. In addition to looking back and offering insights on the achievements that have been made, the conversation will also shed light on how the younger generation can continue this legacy and contribute further to a sustainable economy.

Moderated by NYUAD Director of Center for Cyber Security and Research Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering Hoda Al Khzaimi, this conversation will feature ADNOC pioneers Rashed Saud Al Shamsi and Mohamad Abdullah Al Mansoori, who will share their experience and in-depth knowledge on the topic while exploring how the UAE youth can lead the way forward for a better future.

Assistant Director of Public Programming at The Institute Nahed Ahmed said: “We are excited to join forces with two leading institutions, ADNOC and Ma’an Social Investment Fund, to create a platform for intergenerational dialogue that promotes economic and social sustainability for the years to come.”

Acting Division Director of Social Entrepreneurship and Social Incubation and Contracting Sector at Ma’an Mona Alhashmi: “Our main goal at Ma’an is to bring together key stakeholders from the government, private, and third sector with the aim of working collaboratively in driving innovation and building a culture of social contribution and participation. This panel discussion is a great example of how we can join forces to bring the stories of the ADNOC pioneers to life, encouraging dialogue with tomorrow’s leaders, and inspiring them to create a positive and sustainable impact on our community today and in the future.”

The talk is part of an eclectic fall line of events, including lectures on physics, heritage, history, politics, and architecture. The activities, which are being held at the NYUAD Conference Center, are free and open to the public. The Institute is also hosting a number of conferences focusing on different areas of research in science, arts, social science, and engineering; prior registration for those is required.

Please visit this page to stay up to date with upcoming events.

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