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Tips & Preparation Of IELTS Writing Task 1

Tips & Preparation Of IELTS Writing Task 1

IELTS asks you to prepare for four types of exam i.e. writing, speaking, listening and reading. For your information, there are two further parts of the writing tasks i.e. writing task 1 and writing task 2. We will consider the preparation and the tips to perform the writing task 1. You may also join any  IELTS Preparation course for the exam preparation. So, in writing task 1, there are provided some charts, graphs or any sort of data in inquiry and you have to collect the data either have to compare the values or summarize then, it’s up to the required answer the paper.

You have given 20 minutes of time and you have to write approx 150 words to complete task 1 properly. This is how task 1 is works. Now we should move to the main point of how to perform better in writing task 1 so as to get a good score and to improve the overall IELTS results. Join any IELTS Course in Dubai and the tutors will also guide you for the test. We have prepared some tips and the training hacks for that matter. Keep reading the article.

Preparation Tricks for IELTS

To gain a high score in the writing task, we must know the preparations tricks as well as the tips to solve the task. Take the courses in IELTS training center in Dubai as well. We will start with the preparation tips and then move towards the writing tips. Let’s start.

–Know the Structure of Task 1

To know the process to solve the task in the required time is very important. If you are taking the proper classes to prepare for the IELTS, the tutors would have told you that that you have to solve task 1 in 20 minutes of the time and you have to write 150 words to complete your task. Make sure before sitting in the exam that you have a clear idea of the time and the structure of the exam. This will surely help you with the IELTS Preparation course.

–Practice More

The practice is the key to perform better in the exam. The more you practice, the more you would have the idea to manage the time and attempt the exam. IELTS training center in Dubai works on the practice of their candidates. Practice will help you solve a variety of questions and you will feel yourself, master, in solving task 1 in the actual exam.

–Use Proper Vocabulary & Accurate Grammer

Again, you need the practice to become a pro in vocabulary and proper use of grammar. You can keep a dictionary with you to learn and practice more words which help you in your exam. Also, practice improving your grammar so that you can irradicate the grammar mistakes as well when solving the exam. IELTS Course in Dubai for the preparation is never a bad idea. You can join the IELTS training center in Dubai.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Tips

We’ll discuss the tips to perform better in task 1. Follow the tips as enumerated below and you will clearly pass the exam in the flying colors. Have a look at the tips.

–Be Clear About the Claim of the Question

Once you have the question paper in your hand, you can’t start writing in a hurry. This is not the right way to solve the paper. Make sure to take a minute or two to read the question paper carefully with full concentration of your mind. Then, understand the requirement of the question. Remember you have practiced this in the IELTS Preparation course too. Make a clear view in your mind and then you can start solving the answer to the given question.

–Think before you start writing

So, when you have read all the question paper which is handed over to you to solve the task, now you have to concentrate on what sort of answer is required from your side. You must think for a chunk of a minute, gather all the data, and then start writing. If you start solving the query as soon as you see in, you may make a mistake in your writing and then may lead to the penalty. You have to secure your marks and for that, time management is the key.

–Do not try to memorize or copy

As you know that in task 1, there is a question where you have provided a chart or the graphs with any data that you have to solve or compile, you can’t make a mistake to memorize the graphs you solved when equipping for the test. This is because the diagrams or the values may vary in the actual paper and you may lose the parks for solving the question with the wrong data. You can’t waste your marks so be sure to cleverly collect the data in task 1 and solve it accordingly.

–Start your answer with the single line

Presentation plays an immense role in gaining marks. You can’t just start calculating the data and write the answer. It won’t impress your examiner. Start your answer with a descriptive line defining the reason and the way to solve the exam. This one-liner will beautify your answer and then you may collect the data and solve it. Join the IELTS Course in Dubai to secure your marks for IELTS.

I hope, you will get a better score in your IELTS if you follow these tips and make sure to implement them in parallel to have the IELTS Preparation course in any institute. Utilize the tips in your practice and paper as well. Good luck.