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UAE Healthy Future Study Virtual Roundtable

UAE Healthy Future Study Virtual Roundtable

NYU Abu Dhabi’s UAE Healthy Future Study will share information on its new research approach and ongoing progress.

The study, which commenced in 2017, aims to recruit 20,000 Emirati nationals aged 18-40 by March 2021 to determine the causes of common chronic diseases in the country’s national population.

Speakers will include:

  • Director of the Public Health Research Center at NYUAD Raghib Ali
  • Associate Director of the Public Health Research Center at NYUAD Abdishakur Abdulle
  • Public Health Research Manager at NYUAD Aisha Alhamiz

Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Time: 10-10:45am

Location: Zoom Video Conference

To RSVP, kindly email: NYUAD@fourcommunications.com